Sunday 27 February 2011

Victoria guest stars at Julie Atherton's Cabaret 23rd February 2011

Since the closing of Flashdance last month that I'd been wanting to see Victoria do something different and it didn't take too long for that too happen. Victoria announced that she would be one of three guest stars in Julie's cabaret on the 23rd February 2011. The other guest stars were Anna Jane Cassey and Stevie Webb.

I arrived at the theatre with only a few minutes to spare, I settled in my seat very quickly. I had been apprehensive since booking my ticket that I wasn't going to like Victoria singing as I had only heard her sing in Flashdance, I had never heard the 'real' Victoria. My worries were soon put to rest.

Julie was amazing, it was a first for me seeing Julie perform her songs too so I was pleasantly surprised. Victoria guest starred second. First Julie and Victoria sang a duet called My Friend from the musical The Life. I really enjoyed the song Victoria and Julie's voices blended well together. Victoria told me after that she had only learnt the song 2 days before. Check the song out by clicking the video below

Next Victoria sang her solo. A jazz number called Black Coffee, admittedly I had never heard of it. Well I was immediately taken in to that world of my own I mentioned in my previous blog. Victoria sang the song amazingly. She not only sang the song but acted it as well. I loved the tone of her vocals and the way in which she interpreted the song. Once again I was totally blown away by Victoria. She got a brilliant round of applause from the audience. Check out Victoria singing Black Coffee below.

So of course we (my friends and I) went to see Victoria at the stage door afterwards. She seemed pleased to see us and we had a nice chat. Victoria asked us what we thought and of course we told her that we loved it and thought she did an amazing job. This is when she told us she had only learnt the song two days before. She spent a fair bit of time with us and we appreciated it very much.

Vix yet again another mind blowing performance and I can't wait for the next one.


Saturday 26 February 2011

Flashdance.....where it all began for me

Victoria has recently ended a 4 month stint in Flashdance reprising her role as Alex Owens in London's West End at the Shaftesbury Theatre. The production ran from the 25th of September 2010 to the 15th of January 2011.

One of my many regrets is that I didn't see the show earlier. I had heard mixed reviews about the production but as always I decide to make up my own mind and not listen to the opinion of others. So one Friday night in January I went along to the Shaftsbury Theatre in anticipation of what I was going to see. We settled in to our seats in row B of the stalls, excellent seats if you don't have a 6ft 5inch larger than life guy in front of you, as I did! So a few minutes after settling in the show started..................

To start with when the dancer first came on stage and started dancing I was thinking what on earth am I watching? Then up goes the curtain and I feel that things are more as I imagined. I instantly fell in love as the music started playing and Victoria aka Alex walks forward to that iconic flashdance tune and takes off her helmet from there on I was hooked.

I really liked Victoria's wit and charisma from the moment that she said her first line, belted her first song and started dancing.  My first thought was, there's something about her, something I couldn't quite pinpoint but knew was there, an energy, a spark...a presence on stage that I had never witnessed before....she made me feel as though I were the only person in the theatre.

After the show my friends and I wandered round to the stage door to try and meet Victoria, we were in luck. There were a few other people around so we had to wait a little but that was fine. I was really nervous to meet Victoria for the first time but loved meeting her and she was so lovely and sweet, I told her how much I enjoyed the show as it was my first time seeing it and how fantastic I thought she was. She was very humble and seemed to take it all in. I assured her I would be going back to watch and I did.

Unfortunately I didn't have much time to fit in many more shows but each time I went back I enjoyed the show more and more. Meeting Victoria again after was also lovely and it was nice to have a lovely chat with her, she really does have a lot of time for her fans and that is one of the things I love about her.

The one regret that I have is that I didn't discover Victoria at the beginning of her career, now that I have discovered her though I will be giving her lots of support in whatever she does next.

Vix you are the loveliest, sweetness and funniest person I have ever met and you have such an amazing personality. I am honoured that I got to see you perform in flashdance and am looking forward to the future and supporting you in what you do next.

My Love and Support Always